At a time when overconsumption and food waste are at an all-time high, living a sustainable life is more important than ever. Some may think that this means a full upheaval of their life but an eco-friendly diet is actually more accessible and straightforward than people may know. You don’t need to make a full transition into veganism or cut out your favourite foods, just being conscious of where you’re shopping can make a huge difference. From the types of food that we enjoy, to how we cook and store food, to the eating practices we embrace, there are many ways we can all make more intentional, eco-friendly food choices. Keep reading to find out tips and tricks for creating a more sustainable life and diet!
See Also: Eataly Partners With Second Harvest For A Sustainable Italian Cooking Series
Check Out Our Tips To Help You Have A More Eco-Friendly Diet Below!
Eat More Plants
We aren’t saying that you need to cut out meat and dairy completely but meat consumption and agriculture are the leading causes of deforestation. Simply replacing one meal a day with a plant-based option, or having one day a week devoted to no animal products, can lower your carbon footprint substantially. Plus, eating more fruits, veggies, nuts and legumes will not only make your diet more eco-friendly but also healthier! If you don’t have any plans to go fully plant-based, try shopping for only local and organic meat.
Shop Local
Shopping at farmer’s markets is a great way to support your local farmers and vendors, plus you will create a more eco-friendly diet for yourself! Locally grown, seasonal produce contains fewer toxins and more nutrients than that which is shipped from all over the world. Meat, eggs and dairy that have been purchased locally typically mean organic products, fewer hormones and better quality. It’s a win, win, win for you, the farmer and the environment!
Store Food Properly
Allowing food to get lost in the fridge and go to waste is a bad habit that many of us are prone to. Keeping food properly labelled and rotating newer items to the back is a great way to avoid this issue. When putting leftovers in the fridge, stick a label on that says “Eat By” date. Reducing food waste by labelling food in the fridge and freezer is a simple way to create a more eco-friendly diet.
See also: How to Organize Your Fridge Like a Pro!
Go Reusable!
Removing single-use plastics from your kitchen will make your life that much more sustainable. When grocery shopping, try to use reusable produce bags and shopping bags. In the kitchen, use reusable containers when storing food and check out the amazing plastic wrap alternative pictured above, Abeego. These reusable wraps come in an assortment of sizes, are super durable and are made from beeswax, tree resin, jojoba oil and organic hemp and cotton. They will disappear without a trace when you’re finished with them and won’t end up in a landfill.